The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 117,885,008 Issue: 236 | 21st day of Eating, Y8
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword star_29791

Week - 206

Shadow Grows Up
by star_29791
Description: Shadow was put in her pink playpen next to where Mrs. Harris was sitting. And naturally as adults do when babies are around, Mrs. Harris started patting Shadow's head and pinching her cheeks and cooing...

Week - 208

Tell Tessa
by star_29791
Description: Do you remember that time we went out to buy some new dresses and we came across a poor, homeless, little Ixi?

Week - 209

Illusen's Best Friend
by star_29791
Description: "Oh come on, Rosy. Stop fooling around; your best friend can't be Illusen!" Oliver laughed.

Week - 216

Gelert Diaries 2
by star_29791
Description: "It's just brilliant, Diamond!" Marty beamed. "I love reading about Elwyn's travels! I wish I could do something like that!"

Week - 217

Lucky Streak
by star_29791
Description: "It's not fair! I know you're cheating!" the younger sister, Thunder the fire Wocky grumbled. "Why else do you always win?"

Week - 222

by star_29791
Description: Freedom means the ability to do what you want. But is doing what we want always good?

Week - 231

Thanks, To and From Illusen
by star_29791
Description: Dear Illusen,

You don’t know me but I know you. Everyone in Neopia knows you. I’m just one lowly orange Shoyru...

Week - 236

by star_29791
Description: As he waited for the right moment, he scratched his back uncomfortably. The costume was making him itch - he better hurry up so he could get it off ASAP...

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Now, How About Recycling That Tin Can?
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The Shoyru Tamer: Part Five
"Does Tamer look a little…crazy to you?" Angel asked Duel as Duel sat down next to her...

by dragoncatcher_sammy

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