Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword clydesdale

Week - 235

Se La Vi
by clydesdale
Description: Read the fine print: Petpets Only!

Week - 237

C'est La Vie
by clydesdale
Description: Napping is no longer safe in Neopia...

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Fast Food
"You finally went out and found me a job? Who'd you find desperate enough to hire me?"

Also by jeffc_7227

by undeadfortune


Petpet Tales
After a visit to the Petpet lab ray...

by kaitou_dark_mousy


Tropical Tragedy: Search for the Jungly Jem - Part One
You are forewarned about the mysteries and secrets withheld in the words that I write, and any questions remaining will be left unanswered for all time. The islanders have pleaded with me not to reveal too much...

by cheopspyramid


Never Trust A Xweetok: Part Two
Maybe Briette’s not all she cracked up to be, he thought. Maybe she does know how to use Jhudora’s Wand, and that’s how she turned herself into a Dark Faerie. I need to talk to Illusen, and fast.

by mischa_rox


Demon 0

by ookami_mangetsu

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