Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword ee365

Week - 199

Out From Under the Shadow
by ee365
Description: Illusen's mother agreed to take her orphaned cousin, a light faerie, to live with them. And that was when things changed...

Week - 234

Traces of Faeryllium: Part One
by ee365
Description: The sand of the Lost Desert had always been a particularly complex subject to study, and now, after the great magic of Jazan and Razul had been performed there, it had grown even more intriguing...

Week - 235

Traces of Faeryllium: Part Two
by ee365
Description: Though Taeshne was trying her hardest to concentrate on the new discovery, her earlier confrontation with Anberra had set her nerves on edge...

Week - 236

Traces of Faeryllium: Part Three
by ee365
Description: It was still dark outside. Yet another BOOM noise rocked the ground. What in Neopia can be going on? the green Xweetok wondered...

Week - 237

Guardians' Beginning
by ee365
Description: Oh, how Eleus wished they would return safely. But he knew they would not. There was something in store for them...

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"Anyways, I want more money. I was thinking that we go to the Money Tree," Patch announces...

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Guardians' Beginning
Oh, how Eleus wished they would return safely. But he knew they would not. There was something in store for them...

by ee365

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