Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 118,221,339 Issue: 237 | 2nd day of Hunting, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword youkos_lil_fox

Week - 178

A Need for Flea Collars?
by youkos_lil_fox
Description: Those poor petpets…having to deal with an itchy rash all the time because the tiny creature causing it is too cute.

Week - 196

Mystical Insight into a Mystical Mind
by youkos_lil_fox
Description: “It’s basically luck. I can’t lie to you for the sake of an avatar. What if you got attacked by Meepits and I didn’t warn you? Then I’d be liable.”

Week - 201

Unexpected Fishing Expedition
by youkos_lil_fox
Description: "What in the world…?" was all she could say after she took a good long look at her "huge fish."

Week - 219

Hunter's Hunt for Buried Treasure
by youkos_lil_fox
Description: Hunter loved everything and anything dealing with treasure. Some nights his father would sit on the end of his bed and read him stories about pirates burying treasure and young neopets around his age finding them years later...

Week - 237

5,000 NP Vacation: Faerieland
by youkos_lil_fox
Description: Ah, yes. Vacation. Simply hearing the word gets anyone excited...

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5,000 NP Vacation: Faerieland
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The Mysterious Customer
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Petpet Fuss
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