Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 118,491,560 Issue: 238 | 5th day of Hunting, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword jbear113

Week - 212

Lupe Crackers
by jbear113
Description: Sometimes you just need to think outside the square...

Week - 238

by jbear113
Description: Some pets are so not funny it's funny... hehe

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"This can't be. Where is everything? Why is it all plushie? What's wrong!"

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A # 1 - Skeith
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Poor, poor Oldek.

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You can find it in fields, decorate your neohome with it, paint your pet’s petpet dung, and should you even be daring enough, you can even eat it with a wide range of dung delicacies. But would you want it to be art as well?

Also by seth_z

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