The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 118,827,471 Issue: 239 | 12th day of Hunting, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword extemporal

Week - 239

Thoughts from the OLDPD: Life After Neopets
by extemporal
Description: What paintbrushes do after retirement...

Also by danger_pickle

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Thumbs Up

Story by _sweet_lissa_

by frayedknot


The Lost King of Geraptiku: Part One
"Excellent. Our plan is working perfectly. Hand him over..."

by violajunky


Natallie stopped immediately and looked back at the young red Usul. "I forgot to give you a name," she said...

by czenko28


A New Day
She brushed the mud off the item as best as she could. It was a red notebook with DIARY printed across the front...

by star_29791


Nothing is As it Seems: Part One
"One day," Pete promised, "I am going to wake up before you do and clamp that beak shut."

by estantia

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