Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 119,635,638 Issue: 241 | 26th day of Hunting, Y8
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by nightakira
Description: I feel so dizzy...

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It's Not Worth It

Sighing, Drano sat up in bed and squinted across the room at Stardust3974, his younger sister. "Morning," he said...

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Kois and Peophins: Long Lost Siblings?
One wonder of Neopia is the similarity (yet with fierce differences) between two of the most popular Neopets species: Koi and Peophins. There are rumors that the two are distant relatives.

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City Lupe on the Plains: Part One
He began to remember his past, back when he was barely old enough to remember it now to his current life... all the way back to when he was a Plains Lupe...

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A Weak Heart: Part Two
She thought for a minute, chewing on her lip and wringing her hands. "The bedroom!" she cried suddenly, racing past me into the small room my brother and I shared...

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Spoonful of Morals
The evils of Tyrannian Quiggles...

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