Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 119,806,944 Issue: 242 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword krychek2001

Week - 226

The Problem with being a Maraquan
by krychek2001
Description: At least someone's getting exercise...

Week - 238

How to Win Battledome Fights*
by krychek2001
Description: *Winning not guaranteed

Week - 242

The Esophagor, Quest-giver & Interior Designer
by krychek2001
Description: Who would've guessed that the big, scary Esophagor has such a cute hobby?

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Next time, listen to your neopet before painting them...

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The Many Accomplishments of Fyora
However, more sensible inhabitants of Neopia say that Fyora has earned her way to fame from her hard work and dedication.

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