The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 120,207,245 Issue: 243 | 9th day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 18 result(s) for the keyword nimras23

Week - 181

Chronicles of the Mahirmai Khan: Wildfire
by nimras23
Description: It was the end of the dry season, and according to Uncle Abbasnar, all it took was one lightning strike to have a really bad day. While Azureyigh had never seen fire, he understood that it was very dangerous.

Week - 189

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: The Bargain - Part One
by nimras23
Description: "Danner," Jeran asked as they entered the dungeon, "is a thief really the best you can come up with? First off, I doubt they'll be very trustworthy; secondly, if they've already been caught, they must not be very good at it."

Week - 190

Chronicles of the Court Rouge: The Bargain - Part Two
by nimras23
Description: "I am Mareian, I represent the Meridell Thieves Council. They have sent me as an envoy to discuss business with your leader, please take me and my companions to him."

Week - 205

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Lessons
by nimras23
Description: "Miss Mareian!" Fizzen, the blue Lenny apprentice, called as he dashed over to the pirate Lupess. "Today's the day I finally get to work in the streets, right?"

Week - 209

A petpet for Mínare
by nimras23
Description: "If it's going to be this cold," he complained to his Wadjet, Zith, "it should at least snow."

Week - 212

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part One
by nimras23
Description: The normally pirate colored Lupess stretched her arms over her head to warm up stiff muscles. It's three weeks until the Day of Giving, she thought. Jeran and Khalyen have better get me something nice to make up for this...

Week - 213

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Two
by nimras23
Description: Mareian entered the room, wearing what she called her 'work clothes', a cream colored tunic with short frayed sleeves and a rumpled brown skirt. "Extra security's been taken care of, forty-three guards will report to Danner tomorrow for assignment."

Week - 214

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Three
by nimras23
Description: Danner gaped at him, while Mareian sputtered, "Is he insane? What is he planning on doing to protect the villages from raiders?"

Week - 215

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Four
by nimras23
Description: Gleefully, she inspected her latest prize, a heavily engraved silver broach she had 'acquired' from one of the Brightvale nobles. Feeling smug, she added it to the top of the box of other acquisitions she had collected...

Week - 216

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Five
by nimras23
Description: What had woken her up? A slight creak grabbed her attention. Someone was in her room. Without opening her eyes, Mareian growled...

Week - 217

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Rivalry - Part Six
by nimras23
Description: Hearing Jeran's sharp whistle and the sound of quickly approaching foot steps, Mareian dropped the book she was holding and pulled the pair of small daggers out from her sleeves...

Week - 233

The Secret Diary of Jeran Borodere
by nimras23
Description: Now that all the fighting's done I can finally get a break from all those fangirls. I swear, those things are far scarier than Darigan ever was...

Week - 238

Chronicles of the Mahirmai Khan: Lost
by nimras23
Description: Lazily, Raghidmab debated whether it was worth the effort to walk down the hill to the creek for a drink. Thirst finally won over lethargy...

Week - 239

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part One
by nimras23
Description: "You do realize," she informed the lock, "that I'm going to get the blame for this."

Week - 240

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Two
by nimras23
Description: Mareian had always suggested that a good bonfire would fix his perpetual paperwork problem; right now he was seriously considering the idea...

Week - 241

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Three
by nimras23
Description: Mareian smiled her cutest smile. "There's a Gelert who owes me something, a royal one who goes by the name of Jasagh; I don't suppose you've heard anything of him?"

Week - 242

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Four
by nimras23
Description: Ricky snorted a laugh and stepped briskly out onto the cobblestone road. "So where are we going?"

Week - 243

Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Treachery - Part Five
by nimras23
Description: She wouldn't lie to Jeran, she decided. Jeran was fairly good at spotting lies on his own and if he'd visited Illusen...

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