Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 120,207,245 Issue: 243 | 9th day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword vulpisarcanis

Week - 222

You Lost Our Owner!
by vulpisarcanis
Description: A pair of footsteps echoed through the Deserted Tomb. Ordinarily, those footsteps should have been accompanied by the clicking of talons, belonging to two Eyries...

Week - 243

One Hot Afternoon
by vulpisarcanis
Description: Penny the Acara continued dreamily, staring off in the distance. "A delicious, creamy, cold as snow ice cream... Double-chocolate, with plenty of syrup, and I'd just lick it off the spoon as it melts..."

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Kiss the Mortog!

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"The end of the world is coming, is it?" she asked innocently. The Eyrie nodded briskly and grabbed his sign...

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More Like Saffron: Part One
"I feel that I now have enough neopoints to support another member of the family." She paused for dramatic effect. "I am going to get another pet!"

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Virtual Chaos
Exotic plants, anyone?

by pashmina100


The Callahan Files
What could be taking so long?

by caloriemuncher

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