A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 132,988,897 Issue: 246 | 30th day of Relaxing, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword chromus

Week - 246

The Chromus Crew
by chromus
Description: The doctors in Neopia just aren't as good as they used to be...

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Great stories!


The Discouraged Artist
This is the tale of the struggles I *ahem* my friend encountered while trying to draw Mipsy.

by kristian18f


Bananas' Chibi Army
I guess buying food is out of the question...

Art by crow213

by rainbow_crystal_ice


Victory is Ours in the End
"At least this time it wasn't a total embarrassment..." Derlyn stated, sighing and sitting on the bench...

by bubbles_98003


Dangerously Insane
A creative take on making money...

by leah_51293


Dusk in Tyrannia: Part Five
"Now, let's have a brave volunteer." Kiara grinned wickedly as several paws shot into the air. "Who wants to give Frost a good brushing?"

by alkuna_

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