A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword petfriendamy

Week - 235

The Jewel of the Forgotten
by petfriendamy
Description: "The one who touches the Jewel of the Forgotten..."

Week - 244

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part One
by petfriendamy
Description: Dina's eyes were indigo, with a hint of violet. They shimmered in the sunlight, and sparkled under moonlight. It was kind of strange, really. Laura had no idea why they did that...

Week - 245

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Two
by petfriendamy
Description: "Wha...?" The Bori was confused. "She doesn't usually talk like that, does she?"

Week - 246

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Three
by petfriendamy
Description: Laura turned her head so she could see Dina. She looked into her pretty indigo eyes, they were so amazing... so unusual... so... magical. But why?

Week - 247

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Four
by petfriendamy
Description: Rose jumped at the sound of her maid knocking at the door. She quickly folded the blankets over the dagger and book...

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