Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword phsycoticdancer

Week - 197

The Forgotten Neopet
by phsycoticdancer
Description: The sands are a depressing grey color, with the occasional glint from pottery that washes ashore. Whether it is Maraquan or from Geraptiku, one cannot tell...

Week - 201

Exploring Neopia: Finding the Lost Desert Petpets
by phsycoticdancer
Description: Today, I'll be leading you through the vast sand dunes of the Lost Desert, where we'll find some of the rarest petpets in all of Neopia!

Week - 236

The Neopian Review: A Guide to Fine Dining
by phsycoticdancer
Description: Is Kelp worth the trouble? How is Kelp different from the Golden Dubloon? What is the best way to get an evening of fine dining without completely draining your bank account?

Week - 247

Regarding the Exchange of Round, Wet Projectiles
by phsycoticdancer
Description: Anything can be thrown in an active snowball fight. I've been known to accidentally throw my pet's petpet Abominable Snowball at people. In a snowball fight, however, snowballs are the most preferable type of ammunition.

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The Perfect Lock
The red-hot creation that had been carefully dipped into the water was rapidly turning black, and the red Draik smith gave it a tight, satisfied smile...

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Just Another Comic
Warning: Do not eat the dung!

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