Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword undefinded

Week - 247

Hiss Buzz
by undefinded
Description: Episode 1: How not to fake a language.

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Hiss Buzz
Episode 1: How not to fake a language.

by undefinded


Intellectual Twaddle
It is made of ice, right?

by katu_fushigi


Reeling in the Slot Tycoons
Ever feel swindled at the slot machines? Watching them spin, were you certain those reels were going to fall in line, but some hidden force made them land less favorably? Well, do you want to know what that something is?

Also by dragon_cleric

by heretosee


Why you shouldn't take end-of-the-year dares...

by goldstar_goten


Regarding the Exchange of Round, Wet Projectiles
Anything can be thrown in an active snowball fight. I've been known to accidentally throw my pet's petpet Abominable Snowball at people. In a snowball fight, however, snowballs are the most preferable type of ammunition.

by phsycoticdancer

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