The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword rebornluthia

Week - 228

The Fallen Faerie
by rebornluthia
Description: Siyana replied, "Miss Fyonia has to have a visit with Darigan, and she needs your and my help."

Week - 243

The Face Behind the Dancer
by rebornluthia
Description: They lived on the plains of Meridell, far away from the Castle because the surname Ciryatan means "dark," and the Meridellians were afraid that the family was evil...

Week - 248

The Lost Knight
by rebornluthia
Description: "Things are going to be different and I will not be a nobody anymore!" I told myself...

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"Well, I can't believe you fell for that old trick again, Tal," taunted the Zafara. "Maybe that's why you were always worthless..."

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The Price of Faith: Part Five
We knew that Meridell, of all places, wouldn't fancy seeing a Darkness Faerie wandering about their town. And nobody would believe that I was just there to browse...

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Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater!
I happened to find the eight Cheat players in the middle of a game themselves. Lucky for me! Being the curious and enthusiastic person I am, I asked them all for an interview.

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Blade of Fire, Blade of Ice: Part Three
"Very well then," Talek replied, taking a deep breath. "It began with the rainbow Draik Elyx..."

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Scariest TCG Set Yet? A Look Into the Haunted Woods
Be careful when wandering through the Haunted Woods this season. A terrible curse plagues the inhabitants of Neovia, and it's wise to stay away.

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