Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 123,710,650 Issue: 248 | 14th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword rookina

Week - 245

The Altador Cup Dream Team
by rookina
Description: With the Altador Cup moving into the third round, we've assembled a line-up that we think would make for a pretty unstoppable team. But with so many exceptional players to choose from, who made the list and who just missed out?

Week - 247

How to Play Yooyuball... Without a Yooyu!
by rookina
Description: So you've caught Altador Cup fever and you want a piece of the action, but you don't live in Neopia, so you can't get hold of a Yooyu? No problem!

Week - 246

Fur Flies in Terror Mountain Practice
by rookina
Description: Something's not quite right!

Week - 248

Faerieland's Clipped Wings
by rookina
Description: What do you do after such a crushing defeat? Well, if you're Faerieland's plucky Yooyuball team, you get back up, limp back to the clouds, and start practicing for next year's season.

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The Price of Faith: Part Five
We knew that Meridell, of all places, wouldn't fancy seeing a Darkness Faerie wandering about their town. And nobody would believe that I was just there to browse...

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AAAAA!! Kuryry, YOU'RE SO EVIL!!!! O_o

by sistersmazoky


Are you sure this is safe...?

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Kaddie Says...
Yay! My first feed!

by platinum247


The Near Side
I hate blackouts.

by temiree

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