Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 124,395,024 Issue: 250 | 28th day of Swimming, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword _mauwie_

Week - 239

Lesson 271: Take Your Pet to the Groomers
by _mauwie_
Description: Time for your haircut!

Week - 241

Lesson 272: SuAP
by _mauwie_
Description: What items are most effective in the Battledome?

Week - 250

The Lava Ghoul Doesn't Burn...
by _mauwie_
Description: I think you were lucky this time.

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Arr, ye measly lil landlubbers!

Art by ssjelitegirl

by x_massacre_x


One Bar of Chocolate
"I'm going to buy some chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!" Coco sang as she bounced along the pavement...

by star_29791


The Day 250 Struck: Part One
"All the Neopoints!" she sobbed. "They're gone! All 250,000 of them!" The small crowd of people in the store all gasped...

Also by plutoplus1

by puppy200010


The Life of a Champion
"We were hoping for an interview!" I smiled. "We feel all of Neopia needs to hear the tale of someone so famous as yourself!"

by mystery_island111223


Shades of Darkness: Lights in the Shadows - Part Three
"I don't really have too many memories of my early childhood," began Tal...

by jesse12_3

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