Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword dudedudedude535

Week - 251

The Missing Links to Altador
by dudedudedude535
Description: But, I still wondered: if Altador was right there on the other side of those mountains, why didn't anyone ever go to look for it? I decided to snoop around and figure out why...

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An Editorial - Tandrak Shaye Style
And now, without further ado, here are the questions Tandrak Shaye, that lovable Darigan Gelert, answered for us.

by skycrowmor


The Day 250 Struck: Part Two
The pets there all turned to stare at her. "Something evil is doing 250-related crimes all throughout Neopia!"

Also by plutoplus1

by puppy200010


Ch@t5p3@k on the neoboards... Don't you hate it?

by lauraklamot


DND: Do Not Disturb!
Should have seen that coming...

by frogluverjkr


The Giant Omelette is GONE!

by betaflix

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