Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword moosuem

Week - 183

Escape Artists: Part One
by moosuem
Description: "Good morning," yawned the Skeith. "Did they ever get that lunatic last night into a cage?"

Week - 184

Escape Artists - Part Two
by moosuem
Description: Breaking out?" whispered Cassandra, shocked at Midnight's intention. "But no one's ever broken out of the Pound before!"

Week - 185

Escape Artists - Part Three
by moosuem
Description: Inside the Pound, there was chaos everywhere. Dozens of Neopets, some free for the first time in months, ran everywhere as the guards tried desperately to catch them all.

Week - 186

Escape Artists: Part Four
by moosuem
Description: The Uni was confused. "Er - why are you all at the Pound, then? Is one of the four of you being abandoned?"

Week - 248

Encountering Resistance: Part One
by moosuem
Description: If this hiding place was anything like the hundreds before it, it would shelter him for a few months, with any luck. All he had to worry about was getting out before the Empire discovered it...

Week - 249

Encountering Resistance: Part Two
by moosuem
Description: "Well, good," said Astral. "Keep it in a safe place until you remember why you needed it. Meanwhile, how's the detransmogrification ray coming?"

Week - 250

Encountering Resistance: Part Three
by moosuem
Description: Commander Pagger decided that, on second thought, a counterattack was probably not the best course of action. "Retreat!" he blared, and promptly followed his own advice...

Week - 251

Encountering Resistance: Part Four
by moosuem
Description: "We've got no supply of rations, we're all positively tuckered out, and we've also lost the one thing we could have used against the Empire..."

Week - 252

Encountering Resistance: Part Five
by moosuem
Description: The Research Facility where Mirkelloyd "worked" was behind the Sloth Desert crater. Once, if the legends were to be believed, there had been a magnificent obelisk at this spot...

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