Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 124,888,518 Issue: 252 | 11th day of Hiding, Y8
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword mutedsanity

Week - 244

The Price of Faith: Part One
by mutedsanity
Description: This is a tale about a single Faerie whose life and spirit was changed forever because of a single injustice and then changed yet again because of a single person...

Week - 245

The Price of Faith: Part Two
by mutedsanity
Description: I wanted to lie down and give up now, but I refused to surrender so easily. So I did the only thing I could think of...

Week - 246

The Price of Faith: Part Three
by mutedsanity
Description: "But what about avalanches?" I hissed, my eyes widening at the mere thought, and then flicking up to the gleaming icicles above as though expecting them to take my cue and come shattering down at any moment...

Week - 247

The Price of Faith: Part Four
by mutedsanity
Description: It was a cold morning. The frost lay like lace over the frail plants and rocks. The sky was a brilliant blue without a single smudge of cloud, and the sun was so bright it was almost shouting aloud how good it was to be alive...

Week - 248

The Price of Faith: Part Five
by mutedsanity
Description: We knew that Meridell, of all places, wouldn't fancy seeing a Darkness Faerie wandering about their town. And nobody would believe that I was just there to browse...

Week - 249

The Price of Faith: Part Six
by mutedsanity
Description: We heard footsteps behind us, steadily approaching. Panicking, the three of us dove into the nearest silent room...

Week - 250

The Price of Faith: Part Seven
by mutedsanity
Description: The closer we got to the Haunted Woods, the more things started to vanish or die. What greeted us now couldn't possibly be a forest. It was more like a dark reflection of one, like a landscape hanging inverted in the water of a lake...

Week - 251

The Price of Faith: Part Eight
by mutedsanity
Description: The sand stretched out as far as the eye could see, the washed-out blue sky framed in rippling heat waves that blurred and distorted just about everything...

Week - 252

The Price of Faith: Part Nine
by mutedsanity
Description: "Ready as we'll ever be," I answered, glancing out past where the grass ended and the desert began once more...

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