Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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Week - 254

by dragonkeeper92267
Description: Of all Cybunnies...

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The Adventures of a New Big Sister: Part Two
I clung to Jeanie like a leech, staring with fear at the dark faerie. Trohanex was staring wide-eyed with admiration at her...

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The Eyes of Imari
I have my ways of keeping others away. I possess a crystal ball forged of my darkest emotions, and with this crystal sphere I am able to extend my powers...

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Dear Crabby
Here is my first piece of advice: read my article now or suffer the consequences. This is for your own good. Do not deny it. You will not be able to. I have friends in high places.

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Mint Madness!
Indulge yourself with the Top 10 most delicious mint items in Neopia!

by lurking_and_giving


The Pink Witch
Mum had said that someone - a witch - was moving in, and if he kept messing around in the garden the witch would turn him into a frog. Kipper was unconcerned...

by rhoc

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