Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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Meowclops Madness

by himmelskatze

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Finding the Perfect Petpet for under 15,000
How can you find the perfet petpet for your pet without breaking the bank? Let me show you!

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The Spell
Most Neopians would be at home preparing a warm serving of salivating Turkey Drumstick Dinner with a nice chilled mug of Thornberry Fruit Grog. My stomach growled audibly at the thought. Not me, though, I thought miserably...

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Past Reflections: Part Eight
"Is this how you fight?" she demanded angrily, her every word ringing out her utter contempt. "By going up against little kids who can't even stand?"

by smurfafied1800


Recruiting Members 101
Your guild should make a statement. It should say, "I am different. I am fun, exciting, and unique! Don't I just stand out from all those grey blobs?"

by sunny_forever

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