White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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Dive for Maraqua

by siri_magatsu

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Great stories!


Working Hard, or Hardly Working?
Five units of blue contaminated... THANKS ADAM. :K

by ikusas_love


Disturbed Reality
Sometimes reality is more disturbing than fiction...

by fairi_dream_forest


Dear Crabby
Here is my first piece of advice: read my article now or suffer the consequences. This is for your own good. Do not deny it. You will not be able to. I have friends in high places.

by dan4884


Kougra's Secret
A fierce knock brought her attention to the front door. She cocked her head, and walked towards the door. When she opened it, a terrifying sight met her eyes...

by tigerstripe172

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