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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword alice_dominique

Week - 256

Usukis and Why We Love Them
by alice_dominique
Description: They're dolls, based on the shape of a pet, who dress up in different costumes and are perfect things to collect. There are new and old, common and rare, but they're all very stylish. The thing is, how come everyone loves them? HOW COME EVERYONE WANTS THEM?

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The Guide to Getting Rid of Pesky Owners
I'm sure all you poor little weak pets are all eager to have revenge on your owners for not feeding you enough, or letting you get sick, or simply - as in my case - not allowing world domination before bed time. Well, no fear, my guide is the answer.

by abhobbs


Encountering Resistance: Part Nine
"Oh, this is bad," muttered Roshen, looking over his shoulder at the hordes of Mutants thundering towards them...

by moosuem


The Ring of the Lost
Yesterday, at the Battledome...

Idea by cwog

by kamikatze24


It had snowed over the night, Brenden saw with glee. The pristine snow glittered as it covered the castle courtyard like a dense, white blanket. Best of all, no one had touched it yet...

by nimras23


A Light in the Darkness
"Here I am," he thought, "with the most clueless airhead ever to walk Neopia..."

by dubble_trubble

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