teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 126,511,783 Issue: 256 | 8th day of Gathering, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword iamskot

Week - 228

How to Hydrate a Meepit
by iamskot
Description: These meepits were evil. They were dangerous. More importantly, they were THIRSTY...

Week - 235

The Neopian Band Review
by iamskot
Description: I, your music guru, will show you the path to musical enlightenment, and will leave your ears ringing with the latest music!

Week - 245

The Ten Worst Ways to Leave the Darigan Citadel
by iamskot
Description: The problem is, once you get onto the Darigan Citadel, just how do you get off it?

Also by lupe_friend77

Week - 247

Just How Smooth Was the Altador Cup?
by iamskot
Description: Together, the crowd witnessed the rise and fall of a rain of mortogs, annoying faerie quests, and some really rude mutant Yooyus...

Week - 256

How to Care for Your Yooyu
by iamskot
Description: This petpet is beastly. This petpet is so full of pure evil many have run screaming from its malignant glare. I know this because I saw a picture of it in a magazine I read. Magazines don't lie.

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"Oh, this is bad," muttered Roshen, looking over his shoulder at the hordes of Mutants thundering towards them...

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