Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 126,511,783 Issue: 256 | 8th day of Gathering, Y8
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The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny

by immortalmina

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Evil Fuzzles, Dr. Sloth, and a Chocolate Chia
She opened the box and pulled out a small device. "It's from the Dr. Sloth catalog. It can tell me when there is an evil fuzzle in the room," Ursula told Alexa...

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We Got a Neomail!
"We got a neomail!" I chanted, reentering our house. Neomail was scarce at our happy little home, 239242 Market Street, and so when we actually did get any mail, all five of us gathered around for a letter opening ceremony...

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Hyper Drive
Ever wonder where discarded items go?

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Petpet Adventures: Petpetnapped - Part Two
From the darkness appeared another petpet. Thon could just make out the shape of wings and a sharp beak...

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