Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 130,067,293 Issue: 259 | 29th day of Gathering, Y8
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword 30pets

Week - 256

Sol Dreaming: Part One
by 30pets
Description: Captain Quack, Aquamarine's intelligent Mallard, is watching him from behind the door. Why is he here? He said he was going to Krawk Island for business...

Week - 257

Sol Dreaming: Part Two
by 30pets
Description: Days have passed since she received the letter. Aquamarine does her best to take care of her Maroon and Sunshine. Soon, though, the food runs out...

Week - 258

Sol Dreaming: Part Three
by 30pets
Description: First her owner leaves, her brother and sister are kidnapped, and some lunatic now wants her dead. What more can go wrong?

Week - 259

Sol Dreaming: Part Four
by 30pets
Description: The blue Lupe opens her mouth, remembering her rage. "How could you! This is what you do with your Neopets!?"

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