Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 127,792,023 Issue: 260 | 6th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword amit_oryan

Week - 252

Umm... Surprise?
by amit_oryan
Description: A not-so-surprising surprise party. o-o

Week - 256

Werelupe's Howl
by amit_oryan
Description: Werelupes need sleep too.

Also by firegirldesigns

Week - 259

Round Table Poker
by amit_oryan
Description: The title says it all...

Week - 260

Kadoatie Pinata?
by amit_oryan
Description: What's that bat for?!

Art by xxdemexx

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Storm Center: Cyodrake's Gaze
Eye of the Storm is an extremely easy puzzle game, needing a bit of luck for some parts of it. You see, the Gaze is under one of the two hundred and forty tiles on the game board, along with its crew and a few special tiles thrown in just for fun. This guide will show you just how easy the game is, the different ways that you can play it, how you can win it and what does what.

by visorak_commander


What Lies Hidden in Your Closet: Part One
From the outside, the house looked to be fairly large, but on the inside it was much smaller. Regardless, it was still about the same size that Kalina's house had been in Meridell...

by puppy200010


NPv2 - A
"Stars" vanishes in a puff of purple smoke!

by quigglennimmo


The Legend of Paraiso: Part Four
Jeanie and Nexy looked around at the walls and gasped. "What is this?" Jeanie asked. Designs and hieroglyphs dotted the walls...

by jeanaet


Say What?!
There is weird lingo found all over Neopia. The Battledome, the chat forums, shops... One can't get away from it.

by cdnshedevil666

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