White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 127,792,023 Issue: 260 | 6th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword shadow_zapdos

Week - 229

Rule Number One on Terror Mountain
by shadow_zapdos
Description: I may not be the smartest Lupe in Neopia, but usually I'm smart enough to not do anything TOO stupid... up until about two weeks ago. I was on an errand to Terror Mountain with my sister...

Week - 232

No News is Bad News
by shadow_zapdos
Description: "Well, that's not the point. I can't believe that they'd cancel my birthday! Lack of interest-huh! I'm plenty interested!"

Week - 252

DUH! Incorporated - Something Has Happened!
by shadow_zapdos
Description: The Lava Ghoul floats menacingly...

Week - 260

DUH! Incorporated - Epic Proportions
by shadow_zapdos
Description: WHAM!

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Hyperion: The Beginning
"You know where they'll end up," the second voice said. "Where all the others do." Dr. Death said nothing in response to this...

by micrody


Needed Adventure: Part Seven
The earlier events of the day came flooding back suddenly into his mind: Jason, the imposing building, the woman and the men in their white coats, stuffing him into a cage and wheeling him into a strange-smelling room, and....

by tdyans


Bonju Vs. Jhuidah
Chef Bonju insists that his so-called 'Cooking Vessel' is unique, and he is pure genius. On the same grounds, I insist that bow ties are unique and I am a genius for inventing them.

by iamskot


And You're Covered in Paint Because?
The pant devil strikes again!!

by zhou_ying


Random Stories - Series 2
Issue 2 - What a lucky day... or not.

by karatehuendchen

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