The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 128,277,782 Issue: 261 | 13th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword ikea_sale

Week - 251

The Kougra Klan: Part One
by ikea_sale
Description: Riyita was a lonely Aisha; she had no brothers or sisters, and lived alone. Her house was a small cottage...

Week - 252

The Kougra Klan: Part Two
by ikea_sale
Description: "Guanya!" she moaned, scooping him up. "You're a strong one, aren't you? And cheeky!" Guanya kicked his legs...

Week - 253

The Kougra Klan: Part Three
by ikea_sale
Description: The smile on Riyita's face sank, and the blood drained from her face, as she looked over the home she had spent so many years repairing. The front door had been completely ripped off its hinges...

Week - 254

The Kougra Klan: Part Four
by ikea_sale
Description: "Oka belongs to us," said another familiar voice behind her. It was a deep, rasping voice, and it sounded is if he were sneering at her...

Week - 255

The Kougra Klan: Part Five
by ikea_sale
Description: She hopped over rocks and ducked under low branches, all the time wondering how she was going to rescue Guanya. It seemed almost impossible...

Week - 256

The Kougra Klan: Part Six
by ikea_sale
Description: The place was like a labyrinth of corridors, each one as dark, dingy and depressing as the next. Sometimes another Kougra Klan member would pass them, sneering at Riyita...

Week - 259

Pinky the Brave: Part One
by ikea_sale
Description: Some said being sent to camp was worse than being sent to the pound. Ema knew exactly what they meant as she stood in the line, sweat pouring down her back...

Week - 260

Pinky the Brave: Part Two
by ikea_sale
Description: She had been having a wonderful dream where she was back at her Neohome, curled up and sinking into the soft folds of a huge, velvety cushion, right before the horns and the shouting voices blared in her ear, sending her plunging right back to the harsh reality...

Week - 261

Pinky the Brave: Part Three
by ikea_sale
Description: Emakoke pushed herself up to her feet, even though her scrawny legs felt weak from running, and she looked around her while shielding her eyes from the sun. It was so intense--she hoped they had enough water to last them. "I can't see anyone. In fact, I can't see anything. Just sand..."

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