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Issue: 261 | 13th day of Collecting, Y8 |
We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword thisillusionoflove
Week - 261
Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Kadoaties by thisillusionoflove | Description: Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Kadoatie's mind? Are
they really plotting against all of the other petpets to be the cutest in all
of Neopia? Do they seriously need to be fed every thirty minutes or so? Oh, and
the most important question of them all... |
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Great stories!
Remember The Fall The scream doesn't burst out of my mouth until
I hit the icy water. Then I slip under, the salty cold of the sea filling my
lungs and stinging my eyes...
by darkmaiden610 |
Needed Adventure: Part Eight Time went on, and so did the experiments. The hours turned into days, and days into weeks, and Enzo realized suddenly one day that he had lost count of how long he'd been there. He realized just as suddenly that he had ceased
to care...
by tdyans |