Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 128,455,649 Issue: 262 | 20th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword blumaroocrazy21

Week - 236

Don't Forget
by blumaroocrazy21
Description: Some things just shouldn't be forgotten!

Week - 238

Scaring Simohn
by blumaroocrazy21
Description: Not every Halloween Blumaroo is good at scaring other neopets...

Week - 238

Explosion of Flavor
by blumaroocrazy21
Description: It's best to defuse a bomberry before eating...

Week - 241

Koi Will Be Koi
by blumaroocrazy21
Description: A Koi's greatest fear: the toilet...

Week - 262

3Dim-Wits - Coping With Loss
by blumaroocrazy21
Description: Watch what you say around pirates.

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To Paint Or Not to Paint?
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Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Two
"What!" Rain grabbed the paper and gawked at it in astonishment. "Terror Mountain overthrown!" she gasped in disbelief, and then read aloud in a trembling voice, "Armies of Dr. Sloth swarming over the mountain..."

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Pink Toadstool Inc.
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Demon 1
In the end they sold it. (-_-')

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At the AstroVilla: Part Three
Cypher sighed and looked at the maid Acara. "You wouldn't happen to know about the legend of LeMaer and the weird happenings of the hotel, would you? I have a question..."

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