Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 128,455,649 Issue: 262 | 20th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword mysticdarkangel

Week - 226

Picking a Battledome Guild
by mysticdarkangel
Description: I will walk you through the basics of choosing a Battledome guild and also show you some stereotypes of the guilds.

Week - 262

The Oddness of Neopet Owners
by mysticdarkangel
Description: Narf!

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Fire and Gold: Part Four
"Oh, so you're the one!" said the Fountain Faerie. "I've been hearing a lot about you. For the past few days, it's been nothing but requests from people who got mixed up in that mess. I've been doing all I can to straighten it out, but not everyone has the means to travel to Faerieland, and it's been more work than I can handle..."

by silvormoon


Operation Zafara
"To Virtupets"

by x_marks_the_spot


The History and Guide to the Beauty Contest
The Beauty Contest is a contest whereby people showcase their beloved pets to get people to vote for them, and whoever gets the most votes in that species wins...

by wongvolution


Brotherly, Sisterly Love (well, kind of): Part Two
What if Courtney had returned and discovered he was not in his room? Or what if Xrai had come barging into his room to taunt him, only to find that the prisoner had escaped? Courtney would kill him...

by 3dcourtney12044


It's A Peasy Life
Give your opponent a little seasonal cheer!

by sweet_card

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