Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 128,455,649 Issue: 262 | 20th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword rileyz_maple

Week - 262

Totally Electrified
by rileyz_maple
Description: Shouldn't have touched.

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Funny Farm
Why Grey pets shouldn't have Grey petpets.

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Get Rich Quick - Plan #493
"Didn't you say that the last 492 times?"

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Once Upon A Ship
The Poogle quickly ran up and down the cages, looking in each one. They were all empty! Every last one. Each door swung open on its hinges. She knew immediately what she had to do...

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Dark Fate: Part One
"You see, the thing is... I'm planning to leave the village for a bit. There's a lot out there that I still want to see, and to be honest... I feel trapped..."

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What Lies Hidden in Your Closet: Part Three
"Well, I don't want to spoil the surprise for you if you don't already know how the house will be set up, but I will tell you that some of the ways she wants us to build things in this house are quite... different..."

by puppy200010

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