Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 128,455,649 Issue: 262 | 20th day of Collecting, Y8
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by scar19

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To Paint Or Not to Paint?
Why do most players paint their pets? How do they decide which paint brushes to buy? And how do they decide which pets will be painted? In a little experiment of my own, I asked players on the Help Boards...

by x__sayitaintso__x


Snow on the Brightvale Hills: Part One
Gemini sighed. "Of COURSE he's safe. For Fyora's sake, what could hurt him out there?"

by queen_aingeal


HyPer Lessons
No wonder my soup tasted like Blooky...

by luvz_insanity


The Oddness of Neopet Owners

by mysticdarkangel

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