teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 135,120,768 Issue: 263 | 27th day of Collecting, Y8
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We found the following 15 result(s) for the keyword rainbow_daydreamer

Week - 204

by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: It began, for me, on a bitterly cold day in a suburb of Faerieland-the quarter where the pets and humans lived. And it began with voices...

Week - 216

Just Like Me
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: When the two rowdy Neopets had gone, Tracy came over to Emmy's side. "Are you OK? Those two are a nuisance sometimes."

Week - 218

Starlight Invasion: Mianne's Normality
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: To the majority of Faerieland's inhabitants, she was simply "that silly girl from the library," or worse still, "the book-freak with the spectacles."

Week - 221

Starlight Invasion: Giving Day At Last
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: Midnight had ticked into being on the digital clock, and I was well aware of it, and what day this was...

Week - 227

by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: Inside the shell, an unborn Neopet stirred, feeling the cold from outside penetrate through the warmth of the egg...

Week - 230

Starlight Invasion: Star City
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: In the warehouse behind Bryne, the hundreds of Grundo babies- identically goggle-eyed and gormless, the lot of them- lay dormant in their little cots...

Week - 237

Silver Sky
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: A shiver of excitement ran down the Kougra girl's spine. After days of sitting still like this in the marketplace, Khara felt unable to stay where she was any longer. She leapt to her paws...

Week - 240

Don't Cry, My Little Love
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: Jessica says that no-one out there knows about us, or the work we do here. She says that the gates are guarded by a fierce robot of some kind...

Week - 249

Some Kind of Shelter: Part One
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: He wouldn't be long, she thought. If there was one thing she could count on, it was the reliability of her best friend...

Week - 250

Some Kind of Shelter: Part Two
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: The young Techo was already climbing out of his improvised bed, walking over to the door. "If it's Martin," he snapped, "he can forget it unless he's taking you home as well..."

Week - 252

Starshine: An Eyrie's Beginnings
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: "It's not my fault! That genetic combination was clearly marked as a Jetsam. I was as surprised as anyone..."

Week - 255

Torn Wings
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: Turning on the current, the little Pteri swung down towards the rocky shore, dangling her schoolbag by its strap. Contrary to what her teacher had told her, she wasn't going home...

Week - 261

Starlight Invasion: Keeping Secrets - Part One
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: Leaving the group, I flapped ahead to look at the cadet base, the small, bubble-roofed building that would be my home. My home, beneath the stars...

Week - 262

Starlight Invasion: Keeping Secrets - Part Two
by rainbow_daydreamer
Description: "Oh, yes!" For once, I didn't have to make up the answer. I had seen our leader, that perfect day in Neopia Central, and I replied enthusiastically. "You've never met Lady Mianne?"

Week - 263

Starlight Invasion: Keeping Secrets - Part Three
by rainbow_daydreamer

In a neat, careful hand I didn't recognise, someone had written words below.

I wish I could be what I was when I wished I could be what I am...

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