Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 135,120,765 Issue: 267 | 22nd day of Storing, Y8
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword faerie_zaffy

Week - 267

Why Me?!
by faerie_zaffy
Description: You will soon find out why you should never trust a 24 hour shopkeeper...

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Great stories!


The Top 20 Faerie Foods of Neopia!
This is a hopefully helpful review of some of the best, cutest, tastiest, and most mysterious Faerie Foods in Neopia!

by matthewm344


A Lesson in Understanding
"Tell you what," I said, "I'll erase the worst of those parts and make it up to you with that cake in my SDB." She kept her eyes lowered...

by fairy8queen


You Have a New Quest
When you're told not to disturb the Darkest Faerie, it's a good idea to take that advice.

by jlnmellon_112


Aubrise and the Gebmid Mystery: Part Five
The flickering lamps showed no immediate way out of the tunnel, just bare rock with no clue as to where they were or where they were going. They continued in silence for a few minutes before Sekhani stopped suddenly...

Art by rookina

by rookina


Tea Time - Midterms ):
And that's my secret to good midterm grades. :3

by kleptie

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