Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword dudeperson41

Week - 265

Fully Equipped
by dudeperson41
Description: Well, that explains a lot.

Week - 268

Fully Equipped #2
by dudeperson41
Description: Well, that's just common sense!

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Everyone's Curiosity
Another name for a wuzzer.

by mrsedward_


Dangerous Petpets of Neopia
So you like petpets but they are all just totally harmless, REALLY boring, and won't do squat for your pet! Well, I'm here to show you some of the more dangerous ones and how to take care of them!

by basiliskx17


DUH!Incorporated - Anger Management

by shadow_zapdos


Please Sir, May I Have S'More?
Hurray for puns!

Idea by firegirldesigns

by xxdemexx


Something has happened.

by cannonsmbt

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