Meow Circulation: 135,120,763 Issue: 268 | 1st day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 12 result(s) for the keyword petfriendamy

Week - 235

The Jewel of the Forgotten
by petfriendamy
Description: "The one who touches the Jewel of the Forgotten..."

Week - 244

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part One
by petfriendamy
Description: Dina's eyes were indigo, with a hint of violet. They shimmered in the sunlight, and sparkled under moonlight. It was kind of strange, really. Laura had no idea why they did that...

Week - 245

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Two
by petfriendamy
Description: "Wha...?" The Bori was confused. "She doesn't usually talk like that, does she?"

Week - 246

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Three
by petfriendamy
Description: Laura turned her head so she could see Dina. She looked into her pretty indigo eyes, they were so amazing... so unusual... so... magical. But why?

Week - 247

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Four
by petfriendamy
Description: Rose jumped at the sound of her maid knocking at the door. She quickly folded the blankets over the dagger and book...

Week - 248

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Five
by petfriendamy
Description: "I still can't believe that Mr. Ardon believed us when we said Wanda broke that lamp!" said the Kacheek with a giggle...

Week - 249

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Six
by petfriendamy
Description: Wanda's eyes widened, the worst thought came to her mind. If Rose had this dagger, then...

Week - 250

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Seven
by petfriendamy
Description: "Come on, sleepyhead!" Rorri said with a giggle. "It's a nice, sunny, Saturday morning! You're not gong to spend it in bed, are you?"

Week - 251

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Eight
by petfriendamy
Description: "But of course, poor Princess Rose wouldn't want to be overthrown," Wanda added...

Week - 252

Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Nine
by petfriendamy
Description: She raced down the stairs as fast as she could. She spotted two figures: one was Monina and one was Dina. But which one was which was the hard part...

Week - 254

Pointless Nonsense - Money Tree
by petfriendamy
Description: I actually got something!

Week - 268

100 Excuses Not To Clean Your Room
by petfriendamy
Description: I'd like to share my best 100 excuses with you, for when YOUR owners yell about your messy rooms...

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