Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword _jadestorm_

Week - 207

Sila of Eiswale
by _jadestorm_
Description: I wore my best dress, which happened to be dirty brown and all patched up...

Week - 219

by _jadestorm_
Description: The snow came down in swirls, the bitter wind was ruthless, and the night dark and cold. But Snowstorm didn't feel anything...

Week - 228

Hidden Sister
by _jadestorm_
Description: I forced back my tears, and stared back into the fire. Maureen was my sister, but I had never seen her. Never. Once. All I had heard were stories.

Week - 252

The Refrigerator Problem
by _jadestorm_
Description: The smell was so ghastly that the Jadestorm household simply kept it shut 24/7. Through a vacuum system at the top, groceries were put in, never to be extracted in a lifetime...

Week - 270

by _jadestorm_
Description: "Stripes, you see, has been sneaking out every night to do something suspicious, and none of my traps have ever stopped or snagged him in his process. And you add it on to the fact that he always brings that shovel with him..."

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Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Six
"First we risk our heads getting out of the Fortress without being suspected, then we risk our heads finding the Faeries while not getting blown up or something, now we risk our heads trying to get back in the Fortress and then we'll risk whatever will be left of us to break an unbreakable spell even the Faeries couldn't figure out..."

by ssjelitegirl


Fire and Ice Cream... Don't Mix!

by honeycourtney


Normal is Overrated
You're not hiding... jellybeans?

by tamarainian_girl


Omelettes and Rainbows
Cruel yes, but we like it too...

Art by xxdemexx

by xxyoukoxx


Alternate Ending
Who need expensive weapons anyway?

by leeloo18

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