Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword mazoku_kuiin

Week - 225

Discovering Geraptiku: a Guide to the Lost City
by mazoku_kuiin
Description: According to the stone tablets and clay objects recently found, the city was actually quite prosperous around 400 years ago.

Week - 234

Discovering Qasala: a Guide to the Lost City
by mazoku_kuiin
Description: Qasala was founded about two thousand years ago, by a clan of desert nomads named the Qasl clan, also known as Qasalans.

Week - 236

The Vegetation Revolution: Hidden Tower
by mazoku_kuiin
Description: May you like it or not, vegetables are in the Battledome now, and they’re out to do some massive damage. No one should underestimate the power of health food...

Week - 240

The Vegetation Revolution: Smugglers' Cove
by mazoku_kuiin
Description: Swords, axes and shields: three obvious weapons of choice for your battling Neopets. However, the Battledome does not always work this way.

Week - 270

Mallow Myth
by mazoku_kuiin
Description: No one is sure how Grundos could become Mallow coloured. The most popular hypothesis is called "The Chia Factor" (TCF). Chias are well-known to have really high mutation properties.

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