A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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by sophie_the_chick

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Mallow Myth
No one is sure how Grundos could become Mallow coloured. The most popular hypothesis is called "The Chia Factor" (TCF). Chias are well-known to have really high mutation properties.

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A Thousand Miles
Ruff arf?

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Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part Two
When Satch entered the diner, the room suddenly grew quiet as customers stopped eating to look at him. He waved shyly, but was greeted with odd looks. Apparently, Hissies weren't that common among Neopets yet...

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Will No One Think of the Petpets?
It's no small wonder why the Petpet Protection League was formed, but what are they really doing to stop the rampant petpet abuse in Neopia?

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