Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword elfwick

Week - 264

Just Posin'
by elfwick
Description: Trugmorik the Mighty.

Week - 267

Why Am I So Blue?
by elfwick
Description: I was a very curious little Xweetok, constantly getting myself into tight situations from which my owner, Elfwick, would have to rescue me. I remember one particular adventure better than any other. It was the adventure that inspired me to become a Defender of Neopia...

Week - 272

The First Time I Flew... Almost
by elfwick
Description: Trugmorik batted Daisychain away with a paw when she tried to grab at his cape with her beak. He knew the White Weewoo had a point, but he needed to get up to that branch near the top of the tree...

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The Mind of Max

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The Neopals
I'm giving you something as a token of our friendship.

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The First Time I Flew... Almost
Trugmorik batted Daisychain away with a paw when she tried to grab at his cape with her beak. He knew the White Weewoo had a point, but he needed to get up to that branch near the top of the tree...

by elfwick

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