Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword ooorianeoo

Week - 269

Useless Random Events
by ooorianeoo
Description: Who says they're useless?

Week - 272

Better Than a Draik Egg
by ooorianeoo
Description: Believe it.

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The Tale-Tell Tails: The "Hole" Thing
Digging up some pun. (Oh, that was just plain terrible!)

by nezreeze


Fun and Random Weapons!
Ever wondered what is really behind those normal weapons? Ever asked yourself, "Where are those funny weapons?" or "Where are those random weapons?" Well, here you go! This article presents a fresh new topic about "Fun and Random Weapons!"

by ygss


Sophie's Nightmare
Sophie, great chemist, but physics?

by explorer_253


Come to reason this fine season.

by ravenatore


What so Ever
Please don't eat me!

by rubia_flame

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