Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 5 result(s) for the keyword rainpaint

Week - 212

Mira's Big Day
by rainpaint
Description: "Today's the day!" Mira whispered to herself as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Today is the day I finally get my chance to make King Skarl laugh!"

Week - 243

More Like Saffron: Part One
by rainpaint
Description: "I feel that I now have enough neopoints to support another member of the family." She paused for dramatic effect. "I am going to get another pet!"

Week - 244

More Like Saffron: Part Two
by rainpaint
Description: Not a day went by without either Cadmium or Athena being told, "Why can't you be more like your sister?" Finally, what later came to be known as "The Last Straw" happened after school, about six weeks after Saffron's adoption...

Week - 271

A Very Feepit Christmas: Part One
by rainpaint
Description: SPLASH! A freezing cold torrent of water rushed over Cadmium's head, abruptly interrupting pleasant dreams. She sputtered and sat up, her green eyes blazing. Blinking water from her eyes, she took in her Faerie Peophin sister...

Week - 272

A Very Feepit Christmas: Part Two
by rainpaint
Description: Athena opened her mouth to plead her sister's case but, catching a glimpse of her owner's face, closed it again. She had enough sense to recognize that was the end of it; there was no changing Elspeth's mind once she got that determined look...

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The Hoarders: Part Four
Cane had disappeared again. She knew that was the plan, but she began to feel slightly more miserable. She couldn't remember the way back to the house, and she always felt so lonely without her companion...

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Almost Insane: Unraveling Curiosity
A Kougra's curiosity can be a very dangerous thing...

by vehement


Neopian New Year Resolutions
There are articles about what’s the best gift to give to Frank Sloth and how to make a Kiko snowman (a hint, you only need to roll one snowball). I’m looking a little bit further ahead, though, for soon after the holidays is the turning to a New Year and that means it’s time to sit down and think about your Neopian New Year Resolutions.

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Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part Two
He was pretty sure that whatever had attacked him in the water was the one who destroyed his sword. One thing was for sure; he'd have to take this to the Warrior Shaman...

by kaylamdal111112


Come to reason this fine season.

by ravenatore

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