For an easier life Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 15 result(s) for the keyword ruff_zette

Week - 220

by ruff_zette
Description: I remember the day perfectly. So perfectly, because it was the least perfect day of my life...

Week - 222

Sleeping Beauty: Part One
by ruff_zette
Description: I squinted at the mirror. Yes, I was still the ugly, purple Uni I had been when I'd gone to bed. I had those orange splodges on my cheeks...

Week - 223

Sleeping Beauty: Part Two
by ruff_zette
Description: I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Oh, Honey. Why can't I be beautiful?"

Week - 224

Sleeping Beauty: Part Three
by ruff_zette
Description: Where were we going? Suddenly I was wide awake. We were going to Neopia Central! I practically sprinted across the corridor...

Week - 225

Sleeping Beauty: Part Four
by ruff_zette
Description: Neoschool. I couldn't go. I just couldn't. I had to think of a way to get out of it - and fast. "I can't," I moaned. "I'm sick."

Week - 226

Sleeping Beauty: Part Five
by ruff_zette
Description: I hopped out of bed and walked straight to my vanity desk (just like always) and stared in horror...

Week - 227

Sleeping Beauty: Part Six
by ruff_zette
Description: I grunted and looked bleary-eyed at the note. There was a part that I must have skipped over the day before...

Week - 228

Sleeping Beauty: Part Seven
by ruff_zette
Description: "Leave me alone, Sparkle," I mumbled to the Royal Gelert standing in the doorway. "Why are you waking me up on a Saturday, anyway?"

Week - 257

by ruff_zette
Description: "Hello," she said breathlessly. "Welcome to Hidden Treasures, the shop that's got all the..." She trailed off miserably...

Week - 264

by ruff_zette
Description: "You know, if you showed a bit of energy, people might be a bit more tempted to adopt you." The blue Zafara in the cell opposite her was leaning on the bars. He shrugged. "Just a suggestion, of course..."

Week - 266

The Hardest Goodbye
by ruff_zette
Description: Fern was a green Uni, and I saw her every day. It was quite a long walk to her house, but I didn't mind. I wish I had paid more attention to the feeling inside me that was screaming for me to turn around and go home...

Week - 269

The Hoarders: Part One
by ruff_zette
Description: "I just can't afford to keep four pets anymore. I know we had a lot of money, but it just kind of drifted away. But I figured you're older, so you'd cope with this better..."

Week - 270

The Hoarders: Part Two
by ruff_zette
Description: Garbage littered the road, and the tiny houses were rotting away, the doors swinging from one hinge. "What is this place?" she asked her silent companion. "Is it, like a ghost street or something? Has it been abandoned?"

Week - 271

The Hoarders: Part Three
by ruff_zette
Description: "Time to get up," the other pet replied, already slithering down off the platform. "If you're going to live with us, you'll have to live like us, too. And Cane sent me to get you. It's time for you to start..."

Week - 272

The Hoarders: Part Four
by ruff_zette
Description: Cane had disappeared again. She knew that was the plan, but she began to feel slightly more miserable. She couldn't remember the way back to the house, and she always felt so lonely without her companion...

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