Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword trisshamster

Week - 247

Some Assembly Required
by trisshamster
Description: I had suggested reading, I had begged them to play board games quietly, but it was of no avail-the two insisted upon singing the "Rain, Rain, Go Away" song at the top of their lungs...

Week - 271

The Mystery of the Missing Cooking Pot: Part One
by trisshamster
Description: The sun was shining, the Weewoos were singing, and I had enjoyed six whole hours of peace while my pets were at Neoschool. However, my pets were just about home...

Week - 272

The Mystery of the Missing Cooking Pot: Part Two
by trisshamster
Description: The pets tore into the dugout, and everything was silent for about fifteen seconds. Then, we all heard a whooshing noise, and Hubrid Nox appeared in a cloud of fog that smelled like old socks simmered in peanut butter...

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Idea and Script by neowizard1287

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Sophie, great chemist, but physics?

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Neo's Law
However, there are also the unwritten rules; these are just as daunting as those set before us in easy-to-read vernacular. You know they're there but rarely ever give them much mind. And whenever your thoughts are directed to the topic, it's usually in exasperation...

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DOOMed Adventures
The reason why DOOM does not have a petpetpet.

by ladyash782


A Luminous Situation!
So... just how many Grarrls does it take? @_@;

by marshallmathers_111

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