A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Top 10 Ice Cream Choices
In Neopia, you can find many fun, exciting, and tasty flavors. All have a personality of their own, believe me. Ice cream comes in many shapes as well.

by doggieloover23


Neo's Law
However, there are also the unwritten rules; these are just as daunting as those set before us in easy-to-read vernacular. You know they're there but rarely ever give them much mind. And whenever your thoughts are directed to the topic, it's usually in exasperation...

by 4zure


A Very Feepit Christmas: Part Two
Athena opened her mouth to plead her sister's case but, catching a glimpse of her owner's face, closed it again. She had enough sense to recognize that was the end of it; there was no changing Elspeth's mind once she got that determined look...

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Come to reason this fine season.

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The First Time I Flew... Almost
Trugmorik batted Daisychain away with a paw when she tried to grab at his cape with her beak. He knew the White Weewoo had a point, but he needed to get up to that branch near the top of the tree...

by elfwick

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