Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Better Than a Draik Egg

by ooorianeoo

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Normal Abnormalitys #2: Blame It On Your Brother
At least it wasn't like the Kadoatie incident last year...

by comatose_slumber


Revisited: Part Three
"I'm going to go get some candles," the Kougra said, her voice getting quieter, as if she was walking away, "but I'll be back. No one move!..."

by puppy200010


Oh My Flying Faerie Cookies!
Never trust faerie ovens.

by wrongnamesorry


Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Two
As he walked deeper into the jungle, he could hear exotic birdcalls over an undertone of buzzing insects. Occasionally, the bushes would rustle and Lao would freeze where he stood, but not once did he see any sign of life...

by reggieman721

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