A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 157,654,463 Issue: 272 | 29th day of Celebrating, Y8
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In the Shadows of Neopia

by morrigan_a_aensland

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Letters to Rosie
I'm sorry I haven't written as much as I promised I would in the past two weeks, but I've still been trying to settle in here. Hopefully this letter will be the first of many...

by dan4884



by twilight_wind_


Whispers: Part Three
Somehow, it just didn't feel right, especially for the desert in summer, but Aidne quite couldn't put her finger on what was wrong, except that the area around them had taken on a definite atmosphere of foreboding. Something big was coming...

by betazoid_telepath


Neopian New Year Resolutions
There are articles about what’s the best gift to give to Frank Sloth and how to make a Kiko snowman (a hint, you only need to roll one snowball). I’m looking a little bit further ahead, though, for soon after the holidays is the turning to a New Year and that means it’s time to sit down and think about your Neopian New Year Resolutions.

by summerschilde

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